Jakobsen, Ove; Capra, Fritjof (2023)
The Systems View of Life and Ecological Economics for Developing Sustainable Business Models
in (Edited by Laszlo Zsolnai · Thomas Walker Paul Shrivastava),Value Creation for a Sustainable Innovating for Ecological Regeneration and Human Flourishing, Palgrave Studies in Sustainable Business
Jakobsen, Ove Daniel. (2023)
Ecological economics. I:Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management. Edward Elgar Publishing 2023 ISBN 978 1 80037 423 2
Butters, Christopher, Jakobsen, Ove Daniel; (2023)
Value Mapping: Practical Tools for Wellbeing and Sustainable Consumption. I:Consumption, Sustainability and Everyday Life. Palgrave Macmillan 2023 ISBN 978-3-031-11069-6.
Jakobsen, Ove Daniel. (2022)
Why Does UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Frequently End Up in Greenwashing – Enlightened by Black Box Theory. I:New Economies for Sustainability: Limits and Potentials for Possible Futures. Springer 2022 ISBN 978-3-030-81742-8. s. 39-50
Jakobsen, Ove Daniel; Storsletten, Vivi M. L.. (2021)
Lokal kulturnæring i lys av økologisk økonomi.. I:Kreativ næring: Lokale, digitale og økonomiske perspektiver. Universitetsforlaget 2021 ISBN 9788215035659. s. 218-233
Jakobsen, Ove og Storsletten, Vivi (2020):
Ecological Economics and Business Ligitimacy
i boken Rendtorff Jacob Dahl (ed.) Handbook of Business Legiytimacy - Responsibility, Ethics and Society, Springer
Jakobsen, Ove og Storsletten, Vivi M.L. (2020)
Dialogue for Social Change: A Practical Case Study,
i boken The World Needs Dialogue! - Setting the Bearings (Cliff Penwell ed.) Dialogue Publications
Jakobsen, Ove og Storsletten, Vivi M.L. (2020)
From entrepreneurship to Eco-preneurship
i boken Against Entrepreneurship - A Critical Examination (Anders Örtenblad ed.) Palgrave Macmillan
Jakobsen, Ove og Storsletten, Vivi M.L. (2020)
Norway - Presence and Future of Sustainability
i boken: The Future of the North - Sustainability in Nordic Countries - Analysis and Critical Comparison Metropolis Verlag (Torsten Graap, Audur Ingolfsdottir, Lau Blaxekjær)
Jakobsen, Ove og Storsletten, Vivi M.L. (2019)
Biosfæren som menneskehedens livsgrunnlag - fra grøn til økologisk økonomi
kap. 9 i boken "Globale mål - Visjonenom bæredyktig udvikling" (Sten Hilødebrandt og Lars Josepohson red.) Djøf Forlag
Amsale Temesgen, Vivi M.L. Storsletten and Ove Jakobsen (2019)
Circular economy - Reducing symptoms or radical change
Philodophy of Management April 05.
Artikkelen er presentert på London School of Economics Blog!!
Jakobsen, Ove and Storsletten, Vivi ML (2018)
Beyond the Green Shift - Ecological Economics
in Borderology: Cross-disciplinary Insights from the Border Zone - Along the Green Belt, Springer; (eds.)Jan Selmer Methi, Andrei Sergeev Malgozata Bienkowska, Basia Nikiforova
Jakobsen, Ove and Storsletten Vivi ML (2018)
Fridensreich Hundertwasser - The five skins of the ecological man
in Art, Spirituality and Economics: Liber Amicorum for Laszlo Zsolnai
by Luk Bouckaert and Knut J. Ims.
Jakobsen, Ove and Storsletten Vivi ML (2017)
A better world is possible
Tvergastein issue 9
Capra, Fritjof and Jakobsen, Ove (2017)
A conceptual framework for ecological economics based on systemic
principles of life,
International Journal of Social Economics, Vol 44 Issue 6.
Storsletten, Vivi M L og Jakobsen, Ove (2016)
Er litt bedre godt nok? i Forbruk og det grønne skiftet, Gunnar Vittersø, Anita Borch, Kirsti Laitala og Pål Strandbakken (red.) Novus forlag
Ims, Knut and Jakobsen, Ove (2016)
Peace in an organic worldview
in Luk Bouckaert and Manas Chatterji (eds.) (2015), Business, ethics and Peace, Emerald
Ingulfsvann, Are, Jakobsen, Ove, Nystad, Øystein, (2015);
Developing sustainable societies – a dialogical network perspective, International Journal of Social Economics Vol. 42 No. 6, (pp. 583-596)
Jakobsen, Ove (2015): Ecological Economics - A New Paradigm Ahead,
published in Business and the Greater Good - Rethinking Business Ethics in an Age of Crises, (Knut J. Ims, Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen eds.) Edward Elgar
Ims, Knut J., Jakobsen, Ove, Zsolnai, Laszlo (2015):
Product as Process- Commodities in mechanic and organic ontology
Ecological economics 110 (pp. 11-14)
Storsletten, Vivi M.L., and Jakobsen, Ove (2014);
Development of Leadership Theory in the Perspective of Kierkegaard’s Philosophy,
Journal of Business Ethics February 2014,
Jakobsen, Ove (2013);
Economical, Social and Ecological Challenges Enlightened by Ecological Economics in SusCon III, Sustainability: Ecology, Economy and Ethics Shillong,
New Delhi, McGraw Hill
Ims, Knut and Jakobsen, Ove (2013);
Initiating an Open Research System Based on Creativity, in Responsible Economics, EF Schumacher and His Legacy for the 21st. Century (Hendrik Opdebeeck ed.) Oxford, Peter Lang AG International Acdemic Publishers
Storsletten, Vivi M.L., and Jakobsen, Ove (2013);
Revolution and evolution in economics, business management and leadership theory in CSR and Beyond (Atle Midttun (ed.) Oslo,
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Ingebrigtsen, Stig and Jakobsen, Ove (2012);
Utopias and realism in Ecologicalk economics - Knowledge, understanding and improvisation,
Ecological Economics, vol. 84 (pp. 84-90)
Jakobsen, Ove (2011);
En ny organisk og helhetlig økonomi vokser frem i "Framtidsfrø - spirer til en bedre verden" (red. Vidar Rune Synnevåg og Rolf Erik Solheim)
Abrakadabra 2011
Ims, Knut J.and Jakobsen, Ove D. (2011)
Deep authenticity -an essential phenomenon in the web of life in Business Ethics and Corporate Sustaiability (Tencati, a. and Perrini, F. eds.)
Edward Elgar
Jakobsen, Ove (2011)
En ny økonomi er i ferd med å vokse frem,
Herba - Tidsskrift for Jordbruk, ernæring, natur og kultur, nr 1/2
Ims, Knut J. and Jakobsen Ove D. (2011);
Lederen, ledelse, ansvar og autentisitet, i Liv og ledelse Rousseau, L.G.ed.)
Ingebrigtsen, Stig and Jakobsen, Ove (2011);
Circulation economics - An ecological image of man based upon an organic worldview, in Environment, embodiment and gender (Aarø, A.F. and Servan, J. eds.)
Hermes Text
Ims, Knut J. and Jakobsen Ove D. (2010);
Competition or Cooperation? A Required Shift in the Metaphysics of Economics, in The Collaborative Enterprise - Creating Values for a Sustainable World (Tencati, Antonio and Zsolnai, Laszlo eds.),
Oxford, Peter Lang AG International Acdemic Publishers
Ims, Knut J. and Jakobsen Ove D. (2010);
Fair Trade Production, in The Collaborative Enterprise - Creating Values for a Sustainable World (Tencati, Antonio and Zsolnai, Laszlo eds.), Oxford,
Peter Lang AG International Acdemic Publishers
Jakobsen Ove D. and Nystad, Øystein (2010);
Collaborative Waste Management, in The Collaborative Enterprise - Creating Values for a Sustainable World (Tencati, Antonio and Zsolnai, Laszlo eds.), Oxford,
Peter Lang AG International Acdemic Publishers
Jakobsen, Ove (2009):
Økologisk økonomi - Grunnleggende endringer istedenfor symptombehandling,
Bioforsk forkus 4 (2)
Ingebrigtsen, Stig, Jakobsen, Ove; (2009);
Moral development of the economic actor,
Ecological economics 68 (2777-2784)
Ingebrigtsen, Stig, Jakobsen, Ove, Nystad, Øystein, (2009);
Kretsløpsøkonomi - Økonomi for livskraftige samfunn og langsiktig bærekraft, i boken "100-års målene" (Dag Andersen (red.)
Oslo, Flux forlag
Ims, Knut and Jakobsen, Ove (2008):
Quality of Life - The Golden Mean between Materialistic Consumerism and Spiritual Ascetism, in Europe-Asia Dialogue on Business Spirituality, Laszlo Zsolnai (ed.), Antwerpen, Garant
Jakobsen, Ove og Nystad, Øystein (2008);
Kafedialoger, kreativitet og kryssende perspektiver, i Retorikk, etikk og arbeidsliv (Odd Nordhaug og Hans-Ivar kristiansen red.)
Oslo, Forlag 1
Ims, Knut and Jakobsen, Ove (2008):
Consumerism and Frugality - Contradictory Principles in Economics- In Frugality - Rebalancing Material and Spiritual Values in Economic Life (eds. Luk Bouckaert, henrik Opdebeeck, Laszlo Zsolnai),
Oxford, Peter Lang AG International Acdemic Publishers
Jakobsen, Ove, Øystein Nystad og Jean Jaminon (2008):
Er målsetningen om økonomisk vekst forenelig med kravet om bærekraftig utvikling?
Magma, Årgang 11 Nr. 4
Ingebrigtsen, Stig and Jakobsen, Ove (2006):
Environment and profitability in the reprocessing of paper in Norway - Contradictory research reports in the context of circulation economics,
Journal of Business Strategy and the Environment 15, (389-401)
Ingebrigtsen, Stig and Jakobsen, Ove (2006):
Circulation economics - A turn towards sustainability,
International Journal of Social Economics Vol. 33 No. 8
Ingebrigtsen, Stig and Jakobsen, Ove (2006):
Economics and Culture in Business within Limits - Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics (eds. Laszlo Zolnai and Knut Johannesen Ims) Oxford,
Peter Lang International Acdemic Publishers AG
Ims, Knut and Jakobsen, Ove (2006):
Cooperation and Competition in the Context of Organic and Mechanic Worldviews ? A Theoretical and Case based Discusion,
Journal of Business Ethics, 66:19-32
Ims, Knut and Jakobsen, Ove (2005):
Konkurranse eller samarbeid? Refleksjoner over den moderne økonomiens etiske og ontologiske forutsetninger, i Kan organisasjoner føle? (red. Frode Nyeng og Grete Wennes).
Cappelen Akademisk Forlag
Jakobsen, Ove, Ims, Knut and Grøhaug, Kjell (2005):
Faculty Members? Attitudes Towards Ethics at Norwegian Business Schools: An Explorative Study,
Journal of Business Ethics, 62:299-314)
Ims, Knut og Jakobsen, Ove (2004)
Moralsk dannelse eller etisk instrumentalisme
Nordisk Pedagogik vol. 24 pp. 162-172
Jakobsen, Ove, Ims, Knut og Grønhaug Kjell (2003);
Holdninger til etikk i næringslivet: en eksplorativ undersøkelse
Magma Årgang 6 nr 4
Jakobsen, Ove (2002);
Skal universiteter og høgskoler være mer enn effektive markedsaktører?
Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift nr. 4
Ingebrigtsen, Stig og Jakobsen, Ove (1998);
Kretsløpsbasert markedsføring
Magma Årgang 1 nr. 6
Jakobsen, Ove (1998);
Verdikonflikter og myten om verdinøytrale økonomiske beslutninger
Magma Årgang 1 nr. 4: